SYDNEY, March 5, 2025 – MIMS Australia recently held the MIMS Advisory Board meeting in Sydney on February 27. Attended by nine (9) honorary Board Members and internal teams including Editorial, Product, Business, and Operations, the meeting provided an invaluable opportunity to highlight MIMS’s latest product offering and discuss the future roadmap for enhancing and improving clinical workflows for all users.
During the meeting, MIMS teams proudly presented updates on their flagship products, such as eMIMSplus, eMIMSelite and MIMS Drugs4Dent®.
Associate Professor Leanne Teoh presented the new dental platform, MIMS Drugs4Dent®, which she co-developed with Professor Michael McCullough from the University of Melbourne.
Wai Fun Leong, Director, Product and IT, Clinical Decision Solutions highlighted our Web Services portal, while Victoria Fitzgerald, Manager, Clinical Content Integration Pacific discussed SNOMED integration. These platforms have been adopted by many of our integrated partners over recent years.
Robert Best, Executive Vice President, Clinical Decision Solutions Pacific said about the meeting: “As a leading provider of drugs and medicines information to the healthcare industry across APAC, this meeting is key to uphold MIMS’s commitment to ensure that our content, information, products and technology evolve to embrace the ever changing needs of clinicians at the point of care, in addition to the appropriate adoption and use of AI across these critical settings.”

MIMS Australia extends their sincerest thanks to the following board members and alumnus:
- Associate Professor Debbie Rigby (Chair), Clinical Executive Lead, National Asthma Council Australia; Consultant Pharmacist Advisor, Pharmaceutical Society of Australia
- Professor Peter Carroll, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney; Head of Pharmacology, School of Medicine, University of Notre Dame
- Professor Nada Hamad, Senior Staff Specialist, Bone Marrow Transplant, Clinical and Laboratory Haematologist, St Vincent’s Health Network; Conjoint Professor UNSW and Adjunct Clinical Professor UNDA; President, Bone Marrow Transplant Society of Australia and New Zealand
- Professor Richard Harvey, School of Medicine, Deakin University; Psychiatrist in private practice
- Professor Hanan Khalil, Associate Dean-Domestic Partnerships, School of Psychology and Public Health, La Trobe University; Editor in Chief of Current Opinion in Epidemiology and Public Health
- Distinguished Professor Gregory Peterson,School of Pharmacy and Pharmacology and Chair, Human Research Ethics Committee, University of Tasmania; Community Pharmacist
- Associate Professor Leanne Teoh, Principal Research Fellow, Melbourne Dental School, University of Melbourne; Dentist and registered pharmacist; Editorial Board member, BMC Oral Health and International Dental Journal
- Dr Peter Stevens, Careers Medical Officer, Mt Wilga Private Rehabilitation Hospital, New South Wales
- Professor John Ziegler, School of Women’s and Children’s Health, University of NSW; HMO, Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Sydney Children’s Hospital Network; Specialist Advisor, Advisory Committee on Medicines, Therapeutics Good Administration
To learn more about MIMS’ products, visit the following links:
eMIMSplus – https://emims.plus/
MIMS Drugs4dent – https://www.mimsdrugs4dent.com/
MIMS Web Services – https://developer.mims.com/AU